Friday 17 August 2012

IF update day 5

As I go on blogging about my weight loss journey I am going to include the ups and the downs in the hopes that I can help people in the future.
Yesterday (thurs) was the 5th day of my 16/8 fasting where I would have my last foods between 7-30/8 and not eat again until 12pm the next day.

I woke up Thursday morning feeling good once more after training on Wed night and continued drinking water up until lunch time. I needed to go to the bank so decided a walk would be good for me and would pick up my lunch on the way round. I decided I'd have a subway as I was training tonight and well within my Calories for the day so I had the chicken breast on honey oat with all the salad and no sauce and a bottle of coke zero. I ended up walking about 1.5miles round trip.

About an hour after eating I got a weird burning sensation in my face coupled with a headache and some very light headedness. This continued right through the day and to be honest it wasn't the easiest drive home from work I've ever had. I felt like my reactions had slowed down so much that when my brain instructed my body to do something it happened 2 seconds later, even things like talking it was really really weird. I was also very weak I got home and had some chilli pasta for dinner then a small bowl of natural yoghurt with banana/honey.

I then lay on the couch, my whole body was burning up I actually felt like this guy:

I ended up going to bed at 7:30, missed training and slept right through til 7 today. Feeling alot better today have a slight headache but nowhere near as bad as yesterday.

So what caused yesterdays problems? I am not quite sure as a number of things changed yesterday my thinking is one of the following

1) low blood sugar (hypoglecemia) - alot of the symptoms I had were that those of low blood sugar, I also didn't have any fruit yesterday whereas the rest of the week I ensured I was eating fruit with lunch.

2) The crappy subway - definitely possible - had been eating almost all natural foods all week (meat/veg) and then go to the sugar filled crap that they rustle up

3)Tiredness? Between my cat and my son I was awoken at 4am yesterday all of the fasting books stress a good nights sleep is vital while fasting

4) Something completely seperate to the diet (bug/cold etc) - again possible but feeling alot better today.

Will continue to monitor it and should it reoccur or get worse I may stop the 16/8 fasting for a short time and add breakfast back in, however for the time being I am plodding on can't let one minor set back get in my way.

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